Leading To The End!

"Our team has been working really hard to get the first pass ready for you to enjoy - and our first level is nearly complete! We have textures in the final stages of being reviewed to be put in for level one, with some already being at 100%. On top of that, we have marketing that we’ve been leaking on our socials (@ViscCarnage on Twitter and @visceral_carnage_game on Instagram) among other bits and pieces.

Deklan (Tech Lead) has been fixing the last few bugs and finalising the game build. This can take multiple hours at a time, since it factors in making sure there are no compilation errors in the code and among the resources. We have to make sure the files are all labelled correctly and grouped accordingly within each item’s texture so that it all comes together smoothly and will work when you try to play it.

Jackson (Testing Lead and 2D artist) has been making some textures, which we are reviewing and implementing as we speak. He’s also been preparing bits and pieces for your experience at the Perth Games Festive (PGF), which is coming up very quickly.

Kris (Art and Design Lead) has been hard at work finalising our illustrations and art for PGF and the game itself. This includes reviewing every texture that the team makes - which there are huge amounts of! This is every single can, every single box, every single sign that we submit and say is ready goes under the careful revision of Kris, and then we fix it according to the feedback. Our team is really focusing on getting the last parts reviewed and committed completely into the game, so you can be sure to see more revisions and some before/after shots coming soon.

Meanwhile, I’ve got a lot of secret bits and pieces that aren’t quite ready to show you - this includes some exciting behind the scenes information that you may not know about yet, such as our Press Kit and the final revisions of the marketing. In the meantime, I updated our platforms to reflect our completed game logo and background image for Visceral Carnage! 

Keep an eye out for more updates to come in the next few weeks!"

- Tahlia (Producer and Marketing Lead)

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